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Textures Imbiri Circles.png




Penentuan nasib sendiri

Ade Martir, 2021

Indonesia, Asia Pacific

Indonesia, Asia Pasifik

53-4 Self-determination.jpg

Description / Keterangan

The work entitled “Self-Determination” is an illustration and at the same time a solution for the colonized and persecuted nations. The West Papuan nation, which has declared its independence (1961), must be fought for to enforce—reclaim the Papuan Political Manifesto which was annexed by Indonesia from the past until now. The democratic solution for the West Papuan people is to "determine their own destiny" on the land of Cendrawasih which is already independent without the intervention from the state, especially with the use of militarism. Thus also democratizing the Indonesian nation.

Karya yang berjudul “Self-Determination” yakni illustration dan sekaligus solution bagi bangsa-bangsa terjajah dan teraniaya. Bangsa West Papua yang sudah mendeklarasikan kemerdekaannya (1961), mesti diperjuangkan untuk menegakkan—merebut kembali Manifesto Politik Papua yang dianeksasi paksa oleh Indonesia mulai dari dulu sampai sekarang. Solusi demokratis bagi Bangsa West Papua adalah “Menentukan Nasibnya Sendiri” diatas tanah Cendrawasih yang sudah merdeka tanpa intervensi dari pihak negara lebih-lebih militerisme. Dengan demikian juga mendemokratisasikan bangsa Indonesia.

Artist / Artis

Ade Martir

Year / Tahun


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Location / Lokasi

Indonesia, Asia Pacific

Indonesia, Asia Pasifik

Medium / Media

Oils on canvas

Minyak di atas kanvas

Support / Mendukung


Artist profile / Profil artis

"Art of Incitement"

"Seni Menghasut"

Textures Imbiri Circles.png
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